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St. Mary’s Hospital, Ozaukee case – more than double what could have milf galleries com been awarded under the cap. The Wisconsin State Bar Association is already holding seminars – "Who Pays … and How Much," marketing the court decisions to their statewide members. Wisconsin is gaining national attention for its new "litigation friendly" status: "Alabama North" Wall Street Journal, 8/9/05   Texas, Georgia and even Mississippi have all passed tort reform to improve their economies milf galleries com and stop the exodus of doctors. But now bidding to take their place as a favorite trial lawyer milf galleries com destination is the previously sensible state of Wisconsin, led by its Supreme Court. "Wisconsin Opens Door to Liability Crisis" American Medical News, 10/17/05 Some physicians in states recently ravaged by soaring medical liability insurance rates have been picking up and moving their practices to Wisconsin, a safe haven for two decades as a state with caps on non-economic damage… Until (three) months ago, when the Wisconsin Supreme Court stripped the state’s doctors of that protection.
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