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Greetings, My name is Jessica and I'm 17 years old I remember the relasionship I was in georgia when I had my first time. As a matter of fact I'm still in it. I was 15, young, and nieve, he georgia was 16, only a year older than myself. I knew nothing and I didn't really understand the whole concept of sex. I remember the foreplay we had and how we georgia had almost gone all the way but stopped before we got ahead of ourselves. Now, we have a one and a half year old daughter. All because nethier of us were experienced and thought that using a condom wasn't important. We thought that him pulling out of me before he actually came was good enough, and obviously, we were wrong. I remember the day I told my mother (with my boyfriend) that I thought I could be preganant, and how dissapointed she was in me and her shocked expression.