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Ergo, intercourse with a 10-year-old is ipso facto rape even in the absence of violence or threats of violence. But what about pubescent teenagers? And, specifically, what about young men under age molesters 18? Are 14- and 15-year-old males too young and innocent to consent to or initiate sex with adults, too young and innocent to know what they’re doing when they have sex molesters with adults? And if they’re too young and innocent to consent to or initiate molesters sex with adults, then they’re also too young and innocent to form the mens rea and criminal intent to commit aggravated assault, violent rape, armed robbery, and murder. If they don’t know what they’re doing, legally and morally, when they have sex with adults, then they also don’t know what they’re doing, legally and morally, when they murder, rape, rob, and assault people.