Wisconsin Briefs (2006/03/14)More than videos girls

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Wisconsin Briefs (2006/03/14)More than a foot of snow hits northern Wis. More than a foot of snow brought travel to girls a near standstill Monday in northern Wisconsin, sending trucks jackknifing and cars sliding into ditches, while southern Wisconsin dealt with wind gusts topping 60 girls mph and rain girls that raised flood threats. About 100 senior citizens rally against food cuts (2006/03/13)GREENFIELD, Wis. (AP) — About 100 senior citizens rallied to protest a proposal by the Bush administration to eliminate a program that provides grains, cereal, cheese, canned goods and other food to the poor. Rep. Scott Jensen, convicted of misconduct, says he'll resign (2006/03/13)MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Rep. Scott Jensen said Monday he intends to resign his seat in the state Assembly next week after a jury convicted him of felony misconduct in office for using state workers as secret campaign operatives on the taxpayer's dime. Satirical song critical of out-of-state waste dumped in Wisconsin (2006/03/13)MILWAUKEE (AP) — A satirical song is being used by a coalition of environmental groups as part of an effort to reduce the dumping of out-of-state waste in Wisconsin.
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