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Could the reason we are so far from achieving this be that we have given employers a right to expect employees to have abortions? Again, in the '70's, the debate about feminism revolved around women's abilities--did we have workers' compensation the intelligence to be workers' compensation doctors and lawyers, or the strength to be firefighters, construction workers or athletes? We have these abilities, plus one men do not: the ability to give life. So, of course, the ability which makes us different from them is seen as our "disability". (Why do we believe that if workers' compensation men can't do it, it must not be worthwhile?) What other group in our society is told that only surgery will give them the right to be treated as equals? If we oppose plastic surgery to make people of color "look white," should we not also oppose abortion to make women "like men" in our reproductive lives? Remember "Sisterhood is powerful"? Is not adoption the "sisterly" option we should be promoting, when it might keep a "sister" from having to undergo the often difficult, painful, expensive, in-vitro fertilization procedure?