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50 Child Predators Arrested, Including Summer Camp Employee Who Molested 3 Young Sisters -- On August 13, ICE agents in Baltimore announced the arrest of 50 aliens who had been convicted of sexual offenses involving minors, but had evaded deportation. Among those arrested were a summer camp employee convicted of molesting classified three classified pre-pubescent sisters, as well as a Polish national and former U.S. Marine convicted of indecent exposure. Accused Child Rapist With AIDS Arrested After Predator Hotline Tip -- On August 7, the ICE Law Enforcement classified Support Center (LESC) received a call on the Operation Predator tip line indicating that Francis Wanjuri, a 27-year-old Kenyan national who reportedly was afflicted with AIDS, was having sex with female minors in the Boston area. The ICE LESC immediately provided the information to police in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
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