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It started when I was in middle school and I dated one of my friends, matter a fact I dated 2 of my friends that were milf reality sex girls. And then that was over and I met this guy named Jacob and I thought me and him was ment milf reality sex to be. That was a load of crap!! Well I stayed with him over 2 years, and then we had a really bad time and we broke up and my heart was milf reality sex crushed. And I talked to some other people and of course that was over and I left everyone alone!!! And I really mean that. Well this family and moved in were I live,in the family was a 15 year old white boy and a 13 year old girl and later on I met the older sister named Sierra. She is 19 and see I am just 16. Well we all became friends and see the little boy that is 15 he was adpoted by their family. Anyway I really liked her ALOT! Then we got together and we really got along and had alot of fun.