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Yet the file is full of letters of praise for sonics the coach. A mother with two sons who were trained by Novy wrote to the sentencing judge: "Even with the trouble Jon is now in, I would not hesitate for one second to have them train under Jon Novy. I trust him that much." Raul Gutierrez Club soccer coach Marysville DOCUMENTSRaul Gutierrez Times database file Sentencing Sex offender bulletin sonics Today nothing prevents Gutierrez a registered sex offender from starting his own sonics soccer team again. Gutierrez started his own club soccer team, the Blue Jays, in the mid-1980s. What people didn't know was he had been convicted of molesting a 14-year-old baby-sitter in 1978. Gutierrez used the team to attract four victims, including a 9-year-old who loved to play soccer.