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And on that trip, she provided alcohol to a lot of boys, drank one woman sex with them, and actually got so drunk on one occasion she was carried home by four juniors and thrown into her hotel. JOHN FITZGIBBONS, LAFAVE`S ATTORNEY: As we told the court, I one woman sex anticipate that we will shortly be filing a notice of insanity defense on behalf one woman sex of Debbie. Over the last several months, we`ve had some doctors evaluate Debbie and also review a number of medical records going back a number of years. Debbie has some profound emotional issues that are not her fault. I think once anyone reads what the doctors have to say, they will understand a lot more about what happened here. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: OK. Let me go to Daniel Horowitz, veteran trial lawyer. We see the defense`s -- the possibility shaping up here -- first of all, voluntary intoxication, Daniel Horowitz, very rarely a defense.
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