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Fox Interactive pictures Media unit, which includes MySpace. It is a delicate operation for News Corp. because the media group wants to retain MySpace's cool factor. Like other Web sites, MySpace owes its success largely to its freewheeling nature. If the site feels too supervised, pictures teenagers could leave in droves. "MySpace was the first one to allow users to customize their pages any way they wanted," says Parry Aftab, a cybersecurity lawyer who advises MySpace. "That's why MySpace took off like it did." Yet while many teens use MySpace to innocently chat with friends pictures and share music, other MySpace users post sexually explicit photos and list activities such as "swinging" and "spanking" among their interests. The site has so many explicit pictures that Playboy Enterprises Inc. has launched a casting call for a "Girls of MySpace" nude pictorial for an upcoming issue of its magazine. "We've done a lot of these types of castings, and this is by far the best response we've gotten to date," says Michael Sprouse, senior vice president of marketing at Playboy.
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