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The girl's mother opposed the decision. ("Judge says girls must visit grandmother who runs escort service," Vancouver Sun, 5 December 1997 milf hunter sara The disappearance of Crystal Dawn Jack is not being investigated adequately by Halifax police and friends and co-workers think it is because she was involved in prostitution. Jack vanished sometime in early to mid-July 1997. Halifax regional police spokes-man Constable Gary milf hunter sara Martin said the police are doing all they can considering the lack milf hunter sara of physical evidence that would indicate a violent crime has been committed. (Richard Dooley, "Look harder for woman, friends say," The Daily News, 23 August 1998) Police investigate allegations that police officers in Sudbury, Ontario, had sex with prostituted children. A social worker at a youth correctional center testified that police officers, supposed to protect teenagers involved in prostitution, sometimes had sex with them.