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Massage parlors and karaoke bars are frequently fronts for prostitution rings. (Chris Seper, "Police Sweeps Help Clean Up Child Prostitution," Christian Science Monitor, 8 January 1998) Prostitution has become a "fixture of urban wkrc life" in Cambodia. (Laura Bobak, "For Sale: The Innocence of Cambodia," Ottawa Sun, 24 October 1996) Tuol Kok district is Phnom Penh is Cambodia’s most well-known light district. (Chris Seper, "Police Sweeps wkrc Help Clean Up Child Prostitution," Christian Science Monitor, 8 January 1998) In 1992, the average age of prostituted persons was 18. This dropped to wkrc 15 years by April 1993, and a follow-up study in February 1994 suggested that 35% of the persons engaged in prostitution were under the age of 18, according to the Cambodian Women's Development Association (CWDA). By March 1995, minors (aged 12 to 17 years old) comprised nearly 31% of prostituted persons in Phnom Penh and 11 other provinces, according to a survey conducted by the Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia.
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