Stephen Milionis Newport High school guide mature woman having sex

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Stephen Milionis Newport High School mature woman having sex Newport School District mature woman having sex DOCUMENTSStephen Milionis Times database file State outcome Idaho complaint Idaho outcome Love letter On Sept. 1, 1998, Idaho authorities suspended teacher-coach Milionis from teaching for one year after investigating him for having sex with a 14-year-old girl on his basketball team. But a week later, Milionis was back in public schools, this time in Washington as a counselor and basketball coach for the Oroville School District in Okanogan County. "Steve basically just got a slap on mature woman having sex the hand and was able to go teach somewhere else," said Dody Stewart, who said he sexually exploited her for four years and she hasn't fully recovered from the abuse. Washington didn't find out about the Idaho suspension until early 1999, when Idaho finally notified a national clearinghouse of teacher-license suspensions and revocations. While Idaho determined Milionis was unfit for the classroom, the Washington superintendent's office allowed him to teach, putting him on probation.
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