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Early initiation of sexual intercourse is frequently linked to previous sexual victimization. About 74 percent of women who milf hunter jess had sexual intercourse before age 14 and 60 percent of those who had milf hunter jess sex before age 15 report having had sex involuntarily at some point in their lives.1 Many teen mothers have been victims of sexual violence. In a study of pregnant and parenting teens, nearly milf hunter jess 66 percent reported nonvoluntary sexual activity; 44 percent reported having been raped. The average age of first rape was 13.3, with the rapist's average age being 22.6.12 References Alan Guttmacher Institute. Sex and America's Teenagers. New York, NY: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994. Moore KA, Miller BC, Glei D et al. Adolescent Sex, Contraception and Childbearing: A Review of Recent Research.
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