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If anyone thought that people would gather their wits about them and come to their senses facialhumiliation about these things, the rubber stamp congress and deferential judiciary have shown that they have no intention of stopping the Bush administration's attack on the constitution or it's normalization of the depraved. Democrats have got to win this next election. They are, for all their facialhumiliation flaws, all we have standing between us a this continued abasement of American values. Taking the Republicans out of the majority is essential to the survival of what few ideals we have left. If you find yourself wondering why you bother with politics, go read Arthur Silber's masterful series on torture. You'll be reminded why it's important. . digby 3/16/2006 02:10:00 PM Constitutional Infirmityby digbyI'm beginning to think they are actively trying to destroy the constitution just for the hell of it.President May Have Known of Constitutional Defect Before Bill SigningWednesday, March 15, 2006 -- Rep.