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How do I know this? Their talking points sound lamer every day:Cheney said Monday, "The outrageous proposition that we ought to protect our enemies' ability to communicate as it plots against America poses a key test of our Democratic leaders.""The American people already made feminism their decision," Cheney added. "They agree with the president."If that's their best argument, feminism it's probably best to say "Americans think it's a good idea." Associating policies with the president is a sure loser. Americans don't trust him, respect him or like him. At 60% disapproval, saying that Americans agree feminism with the president on anything is the kiss of death. Ned Lamont is giving Joementum heartburn. Turn up the heat. . digby 3/13/2006 05:49:00 PM   Fair Assumptionby digbyDrudge is reporting that Ben Bradlee has confirmed that Richard Armitage was Woodward's souce on Plame:THE WASHINGTON POST's famous Watergate editor Ben Bradlee claims that it was former State Department Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage who was the individual who leaked the identity of CIA official Valerie Plame.In
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