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This isn't from a scientific view, per se, but I believe that people who can't fully understand the significance of sex definitely should not participate. At funny the age of 10, studies have shown that a child still cannot think abstractly, and will not be able to until the funny age of 14. Therefore they don't fully comprehend not only the physical repercussions of sex, but the emotional ones. I, personally, agree with U.S. legislation, which states that sex is illegal up to the age of 13, and between the ages of 14-17, you may only have sex with funny someone within that age group. After the age of 18, it's up to you. If people asked me for advice, I'd suggest they follow that law because it seems to make the most sense to me. There's nothing wrong with teaching abstinence, and certainly sex during adolescence is never "advisable," but abstinence education doesn't have a great success rate and I prefer educating them about safe sex.