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If anything, she seems astoundingly immature, and remarkably unaware of the gravity of her situation, or the dire consequences that will result if she is discovered. She seems genuinely concerned about the student's frame of mind, and checks with him several times about whether he's sure he wants to have sex, or to see her again. Beyond the glare of media sensationalism, the Debra Lafave story raises a number of complex questions about sexual relationships grinstead between teachers and adolescent students and, more broadly, about sex between grinstead adolescents and all adults. What is the nature of the sexual relationships grinstead that occur between adolescents and their teachers? Are most of them intentionally manipulative and/or abusive, or are they, by and large, innocent, if misguided? Are relationships between female teachers and male students categorically different in tone from those between male teachers and female students? What about same-sex relationships between teachers and students?