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Rape victims are milf sex videos especially at risk of infection. Up to 30 per cent of women raped in the United States every year, for instance, develop an STD as a result. Molestation of young girls is another profoundly disturbing aspect of this problem. A study in Zaria, Nigeria, for example, found that 16 per cent of hospital patients with sexually transmitted infections milf sex videos were under age 5.20 At the Genito-Urinary Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, doctors milf sex videos discovered that more than 900 children under age 12 had been treated for an STD in 1990 alone.21 Persistent gynaecological problems Physical and sexual abuse also increases a woman's risk for a number of common gynaecological disorders, including chronic pelvic pain. In many countries, chronic pelvic pain accounts for up to 10 per cent of all visits to gynaecologists and one quarter of all hysterectomies.22
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