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This is not to say that it's a desirable job -- it may even be less desirable than being a municipal cleaner or restaurant dishwasher -- but surely the issue is a lot more grey than black and white. For that reason, interactive it calls for more critical ways of thinking and more subtle attempts interactive at intervention than merely passing laws and raving about morals and gender abuse. © Yawning Bread Higher age of consent for prostitution? It is quite possible for interactive the law to distinguish between age of consent for sex and age of consent for prostitution. You could have 16 for one and 18 for the other. But this adds difficulties to the prosecution. One would have to prove not only that sex took place but that there was payment too. There are also ethical questions. What if a 17 year-old girl claims that her 19 year-old "ex-boyfriend" gave her a mobile phone for two nights of pleasure? Is that payment? And if the guy claims there was never any contractual linkage between the gift and the sex, whom do we believe?