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The fudged ones are: "The estimate derives from "The criminaldivision Social Organization of Sexuality," a 1990 study, that criminaldivision found that 3.9 percent of American men who had ever been married had had sex with men in the previous five years. The lead author, Edward O. Laumann, a sociologist at the criminaldivision University of Chicago, estimated that 2 to 4 percent of ever-married American women had knowingly or unknowingly been in what are now called mixed-orientation marriages" This reminds me of the old 1/4 men are gay statistic that is impossible to prove or disprove. Yawn, Brokeback is over, Oscars are over. That horse is dead HuffPo. By: STFU on March 07, 2006 at 05:26pmFlag: [abusive] [best of] There is no excuse for a gay guy to marry a woman unless she knows and is OK with it - as a marriage of convenience. By: GW on March 07, 2006 at 05:27pmFlag: [abusive] [best of] Marraige itself is a farce.