Health educators themselves might old on young sex sodomy

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Health educators themselves might be unclear about precisely what the term "abstinence" means. In a 1999 e-mail survey of 72 health educators, for example, nearly one-third (30%) responded that oral sex was abstinent behavior. A similar proportion (29%), however, asserted that mutual masturbation would not qualify as abstinence.51 Experts interviewed for this report acknowledged that defining what is meant sodomy by abstinence—and accurately communicating that definition to students—has become a crucial issue. While everyone sodomy agrees that the implicit meaning of the term is abstaining from vaginal-penile intercourse, especially since the concept is often taught as a "method" of avoiding pregnancy, sodomy the consensus stops there. What is the specific behavior that signals the end of abstinence and the beginning of sex? Given the amount of federal and state money going into abstinence education, the lack of a consensus on whether and how to specify the behaviors to be abstained from warrants close examination.
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