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Stan Weed, who has experience drafting questionnaires in the new climate milf hunter net of ostensibly greater participation in oral sex, milf hunter net suggests that advance focus-group research can be helpful in countering objections to questions from parents and school administrators. If findings illustrate that the milf hunter net behavior is prevalent, for example, then the evaluation team can use that information to explain why those questions need to be asked.64 Although the well-known technique of asking 18-year-olds to report on their earlier experiences was also mentioned, some experts point out that parents' willingness to grant consent might have recently changed. Joyce Abma, a demographer at the National Center for Health Statistics, for example, is hopeful that "maybe we're in an era where people understand the dire nature of STD transmission and HIV. So if the message is that this could possibly contribute to both a better understanding of and eventual lessening of these serious health conditions, then there might be a greater possibility of cooperation."65
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