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Do you consider Generation S.L.U.T. a work of fiction or nonfiction? Or neither? Or both? child sex abuse It's both -- the core of the book is the novella, but then I've got all the statistics, child sex abuse quotes from real kids, news clippings and other nonfiction elements. So I'm making the emotional case with my fictional characters, and the journalistic case with the hard numbers and quotes. The use of comic strips in the book turned out to be really effective. How did you come to the decision to child sex abuse use graphic art in the book? That was MTV's idea, and I'm really happy with the results. The artwork adds another dimension to the book -- I mean, you flip through it and you can just feel this energy burning from the pages. Plus we're aiming for a demographic that doesn't necessarily read a lot of books, so the comic elements probably make it more appealing to teens and college students. Which is fine, because the substance of the narrative is still there underneath the flashier visual tricks.