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Something is deeply sick in American culture, and it can be traced directly back to the Vietnam War. That decade killed the American dream forever. As one character says in S.L.U.T., "The death of our parents' innocence was the fucking abortion of ours." And now Bush is trying to re-ignite those flames of morality and security, but it's company benefits just not going to happen. It's too late for this generation. Your work company benefits reminds me a lot of Hunter Thompson, but you've also received a lot of comparisons to Lenny Bruce. Did this surprise you? Was Bruce an company benefits influence on your humor at all? Not directly, but I like how he challenged the left and the right. He took shit from everyone because he was an independent thinker and refused to follow either party line. That's how I feel about South Park too -- they're libertarians, not liberals. And with Bruce, feminists and Christians alike hated him, so I guess I can relate. I'm contractually obligated to ask you this.