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The 1988 responses (N=1,880) were gathered from a self-administered paper milf hunter rene questionnaire. In 1995, as part of an milf hunter rene experiment to assess if and how the survey method altered responses, respondents utilized either a self-administered paper questionnaire (N=356) or an audio computer-assisted self-interviewing survey instrument (N=1,297). Analyses of the experimental data indicated that those who were randomly assigned to audio computer-assisted self-interviewing were more likely to report very sensitive behaviors than were those who completed the paper-and-pencil questions.2 Additional analyses of the 1995 experimental data indicated that the survey methodology did affect milf hunter rene responses to some of the questions examined in this research note. We determined that the 15- and 16-year-old males who said they never had had vaginal sex were more likely to report that they had been masturbated by a girl when the audio computer-assisted self-interviewing method was utilized than when the self-administered paper questionnaire was used.