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For 17-19-year-olds, the proportion who have experienced any genital sexual activity (78%) is considerably higher than the share (68%) who report having had vaginal politics intercourse. A number of studies have reported that teenagers' rates of experience with vaginal intercourse have stabilized or declined since the late 1980s.5 While rates of vaginal sexual activity in adolescent males (as reported in the paper-and-pencil questionnaires) remained about the same in 1988 and 1995 (60-61%), experience with some nonvaginal sexual activity appears to have risen (Table 3). Among politics all males aged politics 15-19, the proportion who reported having ever been masturbated by a female increased significantly, from 40% to 53%. Significant increases were also found among older teenagers, among white, black and Hispanic teenagers, and among males who reported having had vaginal intercourse.