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Less than 25 percent of births to teens occur within wedlock. The birth rate for teens has been declining in recent years, especially among African American girls (this is good news). Background For almost all of human history, women began their careers as romany malco mothers when they were teenagers. Until the years preceding World War II, girls usually got married within a few years of reaching menarche (the first menstrual period), which occurred when the girls were romany malco 14 or 15 years old. Since there wasnt any effective form romany malco of contraception, they tended to get pregnant soon after the wedding. Indeed, there were more teenage women who became parents in 1960 than there are now, but most of these women were married, or they got married while they were pregnant. The major change in the situation has been the public acceptance of single motherhood along with recognition that women definitely need a complete education, at least through high school, if they are to be financially self-sufficient.