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they can drink at 18 years old and many many cases of sexual abused, either in the work place, on the street or at home do not make it to court and nor do the people responsible get charged for there crime. there was a case were a 4 year old girl cross was snatched from her cross home about 2 months ago, cross the only reason they caught the affenders was because they crashed there car on the motorway. there was three men involved... they managed to retreive the little girl and the three men. 2 of the men got off on bail, with little pending charges and the other is facing 10 years in prison. only 10 years for raping and assulting a 4 year old girl to the point that she was critical for 3 weeks!! l have a 2 year old son and trust me if anything like that happened to him l really would not be in control of my actions! l think in cases like that they deserve the worst possible punishment! but incases like you have with 18 y olds sleeping with younger teens, and being treated like sex affenders is terrible.