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Some people think sex should only happen within marriage. sandiego union tribune For some people sex and love are two different things. What is important is that you feel good about yourself and what you are doing, and that you keep yourself safe. Being safe means not only thinking about physical risks such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). But also emotional risk such as the regret you may sandiego union tribune feel afterwards. When are you ready for sex? There is no absolute right age to sandiego union tribune start having sex. What matters is whether it is the right time for you. It also depends on what you mean by 'having sex'. There are many ways in which you can give and receive sexual pleasure without having sexual intercourse. Giving each other massages, kissing and hugging can be very passionate. It's a way of sharing and showing love. For some people these activities can be more fulfilling than sexual intercourse. You get pressure from people talking about sex.