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GRACE: And very quickly, Daniel Horowitz -- I`ve got to go to break - - but remember the Lori Hacking case and the landfill issue? That took two-and-a-half injustice months to find any sign of injustice Lori Hacking, but they did. DANIEL HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I know. What concerns me, Nancy, is if this a dead end, it`s taking so much of the limited Aruban resources. We may be missing... GRACE: Oh, injustice please! They`re not doing anything. HOROWITZ: Well, I know. This is about all they`re doing, and it could be just sifting through garbage for nothing. Let`s -- you know, it`s a waste of energy, possibly. GRACE: Quick break, everyone. To "Trial Tracking." Breaking news in the Martha Stewart case. Stewart`s house arrest ended. We told you about that early. And I now want to tell you about another case, Police and family still searching for Annamarie Cruz Randazzo, the 17-year-old honor student missing 15 days now.