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Scott, wanted in connection with the sex assault of a young mikes girl mikes in Cleveland, Ohio, 49, 6-4, 220 pounds, salt- and-pepper hair, brown eyes, tattoo left shoulder. If you have any info on Niles Scott, call the FBI, 216-522-1400. Local news coming up for some of you, but we`ll all be right back. And remember, live coverage of the trial of an Oregon man accused of killing his whole family, 3:00 to 5:00 Eastern, Court TV`s "Closing Arguments." Please stay with us as we remember Lance Corporal Christopher Dyer, just 19, an American hero. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) mikes GRACE: Jennifer Parks (ph), just 16 years old when she was murdered allegedly by her 18-year-old neighbor. All I know is that she was an only child. She was truly sweet 16, like me and my little niece, had just finished reading the last Harry Potter book.