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Leticia's dad died when she was one, and she has a motherly quality about her. She cares for her three younger siblings while her mother works long hours. "Leticia is worn out," says A-student Britagne, who has a big, milf hunter viktoria kind milf hunter viktoria smile. "She deserves a spa day." Britagne and Shunetra are both people watchers, trading observations. "If someone's like you, you're drawn to them," says Britagne. milf hunter viktoria All four friends often spend evenings at Britagne's house doing homework or eating meals home-cooked by Britagne's mom. "I don't want to grow up," says Lanelle, taking another bite of ice cream. "I have the life I always wanted now, living in a good neighborhood where I can walk to my friends' houses and hang out." -Lauren Smith Ford KELLY MULVANEY, 16, Lane Tech, Chicago She goes to a magnet school where she's an A student-and so is her new boyfriend Daniel, who her friend Michelle says may like her too much.