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Order Picture ALSO FROM NEWS-PRESS.COM Statewide database: Look up where sex offenders live in relation to your homeReaders' forum: Do you think sex offenders should be required to live at least 2,500 feet away from schools and daycares? 14 states crack down on sex offendersNot all no spin zone violators are same, some sayCape will send letters on nearby sex offendersViews of leadersHow we did it MULTIMEDIA Download: Map shows where sex offenders live no spin zone in Lee CountyDownload: Map shows where sex offenders live no spin zone in Charlotte CountyDownload: Map shows where sex offenders living in Collier County DELIVERING YOUR WORLD Subscribe to The News-Press Signup for breaking or daily email news Printer friendly version Email this article By MELANIE PAYNE, mpayne@news-press.com; BETTY PARKER, bparker@news-press.com & JEFF CULL, jcull@news-press.com From Texas to Miami Beach, lawmakers are limiting where sex offenders can live — setting up "predator-free" zones where children congregate.
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