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stops John A. Maffeo, of Cape Coral, who fondled a milf hunter crystal child he coached in Little League, from living in a house facing Pelican Elementary's playground.And no law bars Fred Douglas Nance, who 16 years ago sodomized a 6-year old boy, from a house across the street from a day-care center. The News-Press analyzed 834 milf hunter crystal sex offenders and sexual predators listed in a Florida Department of Law Enforcement database for Lee, Charlotte and Collier counties. The analysis found 74 live within 1,000 feet of an elementary or middle school or day-care center.Of those, 57 have committed crimes against milf hunter crystal children under 16 or have an offense involving child pornography. "My kids walk that way every day, and I had no idea," said Simone Bynoe, mother of four Pelican Elementary school students.Bynoe
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