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The sparta "Manichean clarity" was fairy dust that any high school kid should have seen through. Yet Fineman was desperately in love with Cowboy sparta Bush, as were so many of the elite press corps (for reasons that only their psychologists or spouses can understand) that he wrote:So who are the Bushes, really? Well, they're the people who produced the fellow who sat with me and my Newsweek colleague, Martha Brant, for his first interview since 9/11. We saw, among other things, a leader who is utterly sparta comfortable in his role. Bush envelops himself in the trappings of office. Maybe that's because he's seen it from the inside since his dad served as Reagan's vice president in the '80s. The presidency is a family business.Dubyah loves to wear the uniform -- whatever the correct one happens to be for a particular moment.