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What people say they want and love & romance what they will do are different things. Americans like to say they are religious, but many more want their MTV than want the 700 club. . love & romance digby 3/02/2006 12:27:00 PM Wednesday, March 01, 2006 Curmudgeon Of The Momentby digbyCan someone tell my why Jack love & romance Cafferty doesn't have his own show on CNN? They should put him up against O'Reilly. He's the guy who's riding the zeitgeist right now. Between him and Lou "I'm having an aneuryism" Dobbs, CNN could siphon off some of the FoxNews "Dad who is always mad" audience they've coveted for so long. GOP and Bush worship is so 2004. Fox's ratings are falling.... digby 3/01/2006 01:57:00 PM Take This Survey And Win A Million BucksNot really.But,