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Thus bolstered, she losangeles times goes on. "I mean, you know, tonight is, like, way worse and all that because losangeles times there's really nothing to do. But there's never anything good or any fun. It's just like . . . uchh." She expels a sound that's half ennui, half disgust. "All we ever do is go hang out and get drunk, like, all the time, and, you know, hook up." Hook up with whom? Boyfriends and girlfriends? "Not really . . ." she says, hesitating at first and turning to her peers for backup. "It's all pretty random. We just get together losangeles times in small groups of kids and drink a lot and then hook up with whoever." Christine, a curly-haired pixie in the under-90 weight range, chimes in. "Sometimes we'll hook up for two or three months at a time with one person.