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I believe his assertion, as far as it goes. But I think what is underlying this is the pressure on women to marginalise or ignore the overwhelming, life-changing significance funny of their role in human reproduction. In a television interview, the artist Sarah Lucas probably the most high-profile overtly feminist artist working in Britain today said that all of her work was about sex, because all of life was about sex. She instructed the interviewer funny to look out of the window at the flowers. They too were sexual organs. funny Sex, she said, was everywhere. But she’s totally wrong flowers don’t have sex, they exist only to reproduce. This is not a fact that people seem to take on board until the reality is staring them in the face from their cradled arms. Lucas herself has not had children. Meanwhile, young women seem just as keen as men to forget what their breasts and vaginas are really for. Breasts are fetishised so much now as glands of sexual display that young women pay thousands of pounds to have them enlarged, even though this destroys their only practical function – the production of milk.