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They make Polly Filler look like the ideal parent. The great irony is that while the macho media does more to denigrate family life and what, from the beginning of WIJ, Mary Anne Sieghart bless her called “family-friendly policies”, journalism milfsearch is one of the industries that is actually in a good position to challenge the tyranny milfsearch of the minimum 40-hour, full-time week. On the dailies, no editor works six days every week anyway, so someone has to deputise. Usually a job-share would make milfsearch more sense. On the Sunday papers, turning up for work on a Tuesday is often an exercise to get one’s name ticked in the register. The newspaper industry manufactures the myth of long hours of dedicated time at the office being necessary. Mostly, journalists sit around in the office reading the papers, since they are pathologically unable to spring into action until a deadline comes close enough to inspire the release of adrenaline.