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most Best Employers have been based. The research is available on AARP's web site at . According to the research, human resource managers rank the top advantages of mature workers as: experience (55 percent), reliability (29 percent) and knowledge, loyalty and stability (23 percent). The top five criteria in the department of labor AARP Best Employers selection process are: employee development opportunities (32 percent), health benefits for employees and retirees (16 percent), the age of the employer's workforce (13 percent), alternative department of labor work arrangements and time off (7 percent), and retirement benefits and pensions (7 percent). AARP invites department of labor employers to apply for AARP's Best Employer award by submitting an application describing their practices and policies toward older workers. A consulting firm provides a preliminary rating of the applicants, then a panel of nine expert judges evaluates the applications, and their rankings, along with the consultant's evaluations, lead to the final ratings.
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