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The MITRE nude older babes Corporation, headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts and McLean, Virginia, was cited for its emphasis on education and training, for fostering an atmosphere of collaboration, supporting mobility within the organization, financial planning services, phased retirement options, the MITRE Retiree Association, and the "Reserves nude older babes at the Ready" program that affords retirees the option of working on a part-time, on-call basis. "We are extremely pleased to receive this prestigious recognition from AARP," remarked Bill Albright, MITRE's director of quality of work life and benefits. "It is nice to know that our corporate culture, nude older babes policies, and programs are such that we can attract and retain outstanding employees to help us meet our corporate objectives regardless of age. At MITRE, we need creative ideas, outstanding performance, and high productivity from our staff, and have found that our older workers are great contributors in satisfying these needs."
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