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In the area of professional development, Scripps provides a number of opportunities for career development and advancement at all levels and ages, including promotions, scholarships and tuition reimbursement. Scripps also places great value on its long-service employees by celebrating anniversaries, providing enhanced matches as part of its retirement savings plan and recognizing mature worker needs and family care issues. Of Scripps’ nearly 11,000 employees, 28 percent is age moms fucking friends 50 or older. AARP has found that recent projections point toward a continued jump in the percentage of mature workers in moms fucking friends the economy. Fourteen percent of the workforce is aged 55 moms fucking friends and older now; the percent is expected to reach 19 percent by 2012. "The winning employers stand as exemplary models for others who have yet to plan for the graying of their workforce," said Deborah Russell, who directs the Best Employers program for AARP.  "The creative practices today’s winners have in place give others high standards to strive for."  
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